FASTING AND YOUR HEALTH Fasting is an age long practice of many religions and cultures. Growing up in Nigeria, chances are high that you have participated in some type of fast at one time or the other. Fasting involves...

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They Lied to us.

They lied to me Writing this feels coming out ceremony. For a long time, I thought "I am too young" "too female" "too naïve" "what do I know?" " I haven't seen life yet to be sharing my experience."...

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Physiotherapy Scoliosis Treatment In Nigeria

What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. The degree of curvature of the spine can vary from C-shape to an S-shape. Several people have a degree of curvature as but if the curve exceeds 10 degrees,...

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What is Foot Drop or Injection Palsy?

[caption id="attachment_667" align="aligncenter" width="562"] foot-drop image from[/caption] Physiotherapy Treatmet of Foot drop or Injection Palsy Foot drop or drop foot refers to the inability to lift off the front part of the foot. It can occur because the nerve,...

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Treatment of painful sex, a physiotherapy story…

  MA was a 32 year old female who reached out to the PhysioCraft team with complaints of pain in her hip and “very low back” region of about 7 months duration which began just before the birth of her...

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Plantar Fascitis or Pain in the foot

  Plantar Fascitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults. It often occurs as a result of repetitive use or excessive load on the fascia of the foot. The fascia is a band of connective tissue beneath...

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What is SIJ dysfunction?

  The sacro-iliac joint is a system of joint connecting the lower spine and the pelvis. The lowest part of the spine, the sacrum which is also called the tailbone connects the two pelvic bones on the right and left...

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What is Achilles tendonitis or Achilles tendinopathy

This occurs when there is pain and swelling at the insertion of the tendon at the ankle joint, specifically at the calcaneus bone. It is almost always a posterior heel pain and it is associated with overuse of the calf...

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What is Iliotibial band syndrome?

  ITB syndrome is when there is discomfort or pain on the outside of the knees particularly in runners. The cause of the pain is commonly from repetitive friction from the sliding movement of the iliotibial band as the knee...

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What is Frozen Shoulder or Adhesive Capsulitis?

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis is when the shoulder capsule becomes inflamed and the fibrotic adhesions limit shoulder movement resulting in pain and stiffness. There are three stages of the frozen shoulder symptoms Freezing: initially characterised by pain...

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