What is Erbs Palsy or Brachial Plexus Injury?

Erbs Palsy is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles of the arm following an injury to a plexus of nerves in the upper limb region called the brachial plexus. An injury to part of this plexus results in weakness or paralysis of certain muscles in the arm. Though there are different types of injuries, Erbs palsy is the most frequently occurring one usually associated with assisted childbirth. The birth injury typically occurs when there is a stretch on the shoulder, arm or neck while assisting with delivery. This injury affects the C5-C6 nerve root and its deformity is commonly described as waiter’s tip deformity. Trauma, dislocation and gunshot can also cause brachial plexus injury in adults.

Waiter’s tip deformity in Erb’s palsy

Treatment of erb’s palsy is by physiotherapy and in some extreme cases, surgery. Physiotherapy management should be commenced as soon as it is suspected or a diagnosis is made as this would prevent complications such as permanent disability and structural deformity such as scoliosis.

PhysioCraft treatment of brachial plexus injury includes exercises to strengthen the weak muscles, and maintain range of motion, facilitation techniques, splinting and taping may also be used.  If you have questions, give us a call on +2348035670888 or +2348171940921 and we’d be happy to answer your questions for free.

PhysioCraft care centers: Ikoyi, Ikeja, Ajah & Abuja.

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